Schedule of Events


Memorial Service

We start our Sunday service at 11:00 AM on Sundays during the school year and 10:00 AM during the summer. Our service is composed of hymns, prayers, Bible readings, announcements, and a 15-30 minute talk on the word of God, followed by a communion service.

Sunday School

Sunday School begins at 9:30 AM during the school year. We do not have Sunday School during the summer. We begin with a group assembly in the main hall.  We then break into the various age groups and move to the Sunday School rooms. Adults typically remain in the main hall for their Bible study. Classes last about 45 minutes.


Wednesday Bible Study

Wednesday Night Bible Study starts at
7:00 PM. Check about class during the summer since it is sometimes canceled. One of our members will lead a Bible discussion on a particular topic or section of the Bible. Discussions and questions from all are encouraged. Fellowship and refreshments are available after the Bible Study is finished!


We encourage you to bring your Bible to read along during the classes or sermons, which we call exhortations.
If you don’t have a Bible, we will be happy to give you one. 


We have our own hymn books that we use. You will find some familiar hymns and some composed specifically by members of our community. Singing is a regular part of our activities.


We encourage visitors to get involved in the discussion, ask questions, and participate in our Bible Studies and Sunday Schools. “As iron sharpens iron…”, we seek to help one another! 


For Wednesday Bible Study, dress is casual. On Sundays, most members will dress a little more formally, but you will be welcome to come dressed casually if you prefer.


We believe that fellowship and the encouragement that we gain from one another are critical in the life of any follower of God. Because of this, we encourage you to stick around and chat!


Christadelphian churches don’t have a single priest or pastor that leads all of the events. Instead, members of the ecclesia share the responsibility of leading and organizing activities.

Things you might hear...

As with many groups, the Christadelphians have developed some of our own terms.  You may hear some of these terms used during our Bible discussions and sermons:
Christadelphians: Brothers and sisters in Christ
Ecclesias:  Our congregations
Emblems / Memorials: The bread and the wine that we take in remembrance of Christ
Exhortation: The sermon on Sunday
The Truth: The teachings in the Bible, sometimes used to describe the beliefs that Christadelphians collectively hold
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