Who we are

A local church that believes that the Bible is the word of God, that Jesus is the son of God and our savior, and that our hope is to be part of a future kingdom that Jesus will establish when he returns.

We are a local church that is part of a worldwide community formally established almost 200 years ago. We share a common hope, based on Bible teaching. Our beliefs and practices are patterned after the early Christian churches of the New Testament.

We strive to honor God in all that we do and follow the example of Jesus. We value fellowship, personal and group Bible reading and study, and serving each other and those around us. We meet together regularly to help encourage one another as we wait for Jesus’ return. We preach God’s message of salvation to all who have an ear to hear.

Our Beliefs

We Believe
We believe that the one and only Lord God has revealed Himself and His plan for His creation in His word – the Bible.

We believe that His plan revolves around His son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus was the son of God, born of the human Mary. We believe that Jesus lived a sinless life here on the earth, perfectly manifesting God’s character and showing us the way that God wants His followers to walk. Jesus preached the “gospel” – a message centered on the name and character of God and the kingdom of God on earth. He was crucified by the people of his day who refused to listen to his message of love and redemption.  Because he was sinless, he was resurrected from death, the “firstfruits” of a future resurrection. Jesus then ascended to heaven to “sit at the right hand of God.” Jesus promised that he would return one day with power and glory and establish God’s kingdom here on Earth.

Our Hope
Our hope is to be resurrected, as Christ was, when Jesus returns to the earth and to be granted eternal life at that time.

We believe the Bible promises that faithful believers will serve with Christ in that coming kingdom. We believe the Bible teaches that when we die, we sleep in the dust. Those who have chosen to follow Christ will one day be raised from the sleep of death. We believe that heaven is where God dwells and hell is simply symbolic of the grave or eternal destruction. We believe that sin is what separates us from God, but Jesus came to show us the way of forgiveness and mercy. Through repentance, and God’s forgiveness, we have hope. We believe that faith is trusting in God’s promises and His forgiveness and is the path that allows us to be a part of God’s plan.

A World Wide Community

The word Christadelphian is derived from two Greek words Christos and Adelphi, meaning “Brothers and Sisters in Christ”. The Christadelphian Community is a worldwide family of believers that meet in Ecclesias, a Greek word for church. Although spread out all around the world, Christadelphians are connected by a common understanding of Biblical teaching and ONE hope, based on a belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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